Kiwi Wrestler

Free DVD for anyone interested in the Combat Sports School Olympic Wrestling Club Programme

Free Wrestling DVD

This free DVD is available from the Fight Times shop, 49 Stuart Street, Dunedin, Phone 477 8902. It covers the history of Wrestling from ancient times through to modern, as well as our highly successful Combat Sports School Olympic Wrestling Club. Drop in an pick up a copy today, and when you've finished with it, hand it on to anyone interested in wrestling.

Experience the Benefits

Wrestling Club History
Early days - Harry Baldock oversees a wrestling class
Click here to read about the club history

Training Facility

6 Stuart Street, Dunedin

For more information

Office: 49 Stuart Street, Dunedin
Ph/Fax 03-477 8902
P.O. Box 5579, Dunedin, New Zealand

Office hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Wrestling Boots

Fight Times carries stocks and receives regular
shipments of Asics, Adidas, and SMAI wrestling boots.

wrestling boots
click for for larger image

4cm Soft Centred Mats

Ideal for Olypmic Freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, as well as submission grappling. Indent ordering essential. We are the sole New Zealand agents for all SMAI martial arts and combat sports lines including all EVA high density bonded foam interlocking mats.

4cm Mats for Wrestling or Grappling

click for for larger image


Copyright © 2007–2025 Combat Sports School Olympic Wrestling Club. A division of the Todd Group.